Healthcare Services

Retinitis Pigmentosa Market Report 2024: Market Size, Drivers, And Trends

The Business Research Company’s global market reports are now updated with the latest market sizing information for the year 2024 and forecasted to 2033

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a progressive eye disorder that impacts vision, leading to eventual blindness. Over the past few years, the retinitis pigmentosa market has experienced substantial growth, driven by advancements in research and technology. As we look to the future, the market is set to continue expanding, influenced by several key factors.

Current Market Overview

  • Significant Growth: The retinitis pigmentosa market size surged from $10.52 billion in 2023 to $11.32 billion in 2024. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6%.
  • Historical Drivers:
    • Genetic Research: Advancements in understanding the genetic underpinnings of RP.
    • Retinal Imaging Technologies: Enhanced diagnostic and monitoring capabilities.
    • Awareness Campaigns: Increased public and professional awareness.
    • Patient Advocacy: Growing support from advocacy groups.
    • Clinical Trials Expansion: Broader networks facilitating research.

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Future Market Forecast

  • Expected Growth: By 2028, the market is projected to reach $15.23 billion, with a CAGR of 7.7%.
  • Forecast Drivers:
    • Stem Cell Research: Innovations in retinal regeneration therapies.
    • Personalized Medicine: Tailoring treatments to individual genetic profiles.
    • Orphan Drug Development: Increased funding for rare disease treatments.
    • Telemedicine Expansion: Greater access to care through digital platforms.
  • Major Trends:
    • Combination Therapies: Integrating multiple treatment modalities.
    • Patient-Centric Trials: Designing studies with patient needs at the forefront.
    • Value-Based Pricing: Aligning costs with therapeutic outcomes.
    • Digital Therapeutics: Incorporating technology for treatment management.

Rising Healthcare Expenditure

  • Impact on Market Growth: Increased healthcare expenditure is a significant factor driving the retinitis pigmentosa market. This includes:
    • Advanced Medical Technologies: Higher costs for cutting-edge diagnostics and treatments.
    • Aging Population: Growing need for chronic disease management.
    • Prevalence of Chronic Diseases: Rising demand for effective disease management.
  • US Healthcare Expenditure: In 2022, healthcare spending in the US rose by 4.1% to $4.5 trillion, accelerating from previous years. This increase supports market growth for RP treatments.

Innovative Gene Therapy Developments

  • Gene Therapy Advances: Companies are focusing on gene therapies to address RP by repairing or replacing defective genes in the retina. Notable developments include:
    • ViGeneron GmbH: Launched a Phase Ib clinical trial for VG901, targeting RP caused by CNGA1 gene mutations.
  • Treatment Goals: These therapies aim to restore normal photoreceptor function, potentially slowing or halting vision loss.

Strategic Acquisitions and Investments

  • Thea Pharma’s Acquisition: In December 2023, Thea Pharma acquired antisense oligonucleotide treatments Sepofarsen (LCA10) and Ultevursen (USH2A) from ProQR Therapeutics. This acquisition aligns with Thea’s focus on genetic eye diseases and strengthens its position in the RP market.

Market Segmentation

  • By Type:
    • Autosomal Recessive
    • Autosomal Dominant
    • X-Linked
  • By Treatment:
    • Vitamin A
    • Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
    • Calcium Channel Blockers
    • Gene Therapy
    • Retinal Eye Prosthetics
    • Other Treatments
  • By Diagnosis:
    • Electroretinogram
    • Visual Field Testing
    • Genetic Testing
    • Other Diagnosis
  • By Distribution Channel:
    • Hospital Pharmacy
    • Retail Pharmacy
    • Online Pharmacy
    • Other Distribution Channels
  • By End-Users:
    • Hospitals
    • Specialty Clinics
    • Homecare
    • Other End-Users

Regional Insights

  • North America: Remains the largest market for retinitis pigmentosa, reflecting advanced healthcare infrastructure and significant investments in research and development.


The retinitis pigmentosa market is on a robust growth trajectory, driven by technological innovations, increased healthcare expenditure, and strategic investments. With ongoing advancements in gene therapy and a strong focus on personalized and value-based treatments, the future looks promising for those affected by this challenging condition.

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